Wednesday 6 January 2016

Scared of Everything?

Hey there everyone, I hope you have had a really good day. I'm currently on the way back home to Oban, West Coast of Scotland! It literally takes like 8 Hours.... *Please help me!*
At least I'm not driving I can sit there, chill out, dance to my music & stuff my face with food... Fantastic! Rich on the other hand, who does have to Drive is definitely not happy about it!

Today, I have to chat about what I'm afraid of... and I'm going to warn you now, this may be a very long post. As I'm no joke afraid of literally everything! I don't even have a decent reason of why I'm scared of these things, I just am. So the first thing I'm scared of definitely has to be SPIDERS... *Cue the Shudder* 

I really don't understand people who like them, I don't know what part of the Spider that creeps me out but it just does. When I see one crawling across my floor my reaction is to jump out of my seat and stand on the sofa trying to back away as quickly as possible even though there is no where to go... I know that you're not meant to kill them, but when they make me feel like a victim in my own home (One minute they're there, next vanished!) I'm sorry but I'm going on a mission with a shoe or a long stick!

Next thing I'm afraid of is Heights & Glass Floors (Since they go hand in hand). Like who's idea was it to put glass floors in buildings? Are you crazy? They're bloody terrifying! 
I don't know the reason for this fear, but I can't walk across glass floors. If I get near a glass floor I start to have a panic attack and slowly try to back away... If I have to go across one, I will be having a panic attack whilst my legs feel like jelly and I feel sick!
 It's the strangest fear I've got and if any of you feel the same please Comment down below and let me know!

Last fear I have, (Well last interesting fear) is Flying in Planes... Now I know that a lot of people have this fear and too right because it can be terrifying. But, mine is that bad that too even get me on a plane would take a lot of persuading! The reason why I'm scared of flying is because they haven't actually got a logical explanation as too why Planes can fly (Or so Rich tells me). So how am I meant to feel safe in something they only have theories about? When I do get on a Flight, I have to sit next to the Window seat so I can see outside to take my mind of it. As soon as my bum touches that seat I will make sure to strap myself in with the seat belt and I won't move from that spot until the Plane is back on ground again (No matter how long the flight!). Also, if there is the slightest bit of Turbulence I will be in tears having a panic attack. No matter how small!

 So guys thats all of my BIG Fears, I hope you really enjoyed this Post! If any of you have Fears like mine or different please Comment them down below. I'll see all of you for the Next Post in the 31 Day Blogging Challenge Tomorrow...

Miss Lizzelly x 

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